Genocide, Postwar Migration, and Social Mobility: Entangled Experiences of Roma and Jews
Excellence Project, Czech Science Foundation, grant no. 19-26638X 2019–23 This research project takes advantage of the intersection of Jewish and Romani studies, Holocaust and genocide studies, and scholarship on migration...
Database of Romani Testimonies
The experience of the Roma and Sinti during World War II is still a neglected topic, although the consequences of the wartime genocide and persecution are still felt by Roma communities today. Moreover, even in the few publications...
Memoirs of Jan Hauer
Jan Hauer's memoirs, a collection of family photographs and archival documents compiled into a book. Kateřina Čapková and Helena Sadílková began recording interviews with Jan Hauer in 2019, which were gradually supplemented...
Romani Voices for Recognition
The present project aims to broaden the discourse on the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti beyond the memories of their wartime persecution to the efforts of Roma for the recognition of the Roma Holocaust itself in the Czech Republic.