
Romani History Seminar, November Session
On Thursday, 14 November at 6:00 PM CET, we will discuss Tatiana Sirbu's draft article "Officials and Nomads on the border of the Russian Empire. The 'Bessarabian Border Office of Gypsies belonging to the crown' in...

Romani History Seminar: „Correction, Violence and Race in the Workhouses of the Czech Lands“
On Wednesday, 30 October at 6:00 PM CET, we will discuss Pavel Baloun´s and Jiří Smlsal´s preliminary article „Correction, Violence and Race in the Workhouses of the Czech Lands".
On Wednesday, 30 October at 6:00 PM CET, we will discuss Pavel Baloun´s and Jiří Smlsal´s preliminary article „Correction, Violence and Race in the Workhouses of the Czech Lands". Karola Fings will be our invited...

Call for Papers
"Romani Racialization Beyond Majority-Minority Narratives: Transnationalism, Activism and Solidarity" - Call for Papers for the next annual roundtable conference of the Prague Forum for Romani Histories in 2025
Please do not miss the new Call for Papers for the next annual roundtable conference of the Prague Forum for Romani Histories in 2025 organized by Tina Magazzini and Martin Fotta from the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy...

International Conference: Racializing Romani People in the Nineteenth Century
May 20 - 21, 2024
The scholarly study of race, racism, racialization, and racial capitalism on a global scale has significantly reframed our understanding of the nineteenth century. It has been established that ideas about race influenced...

Romani History Seminar (Online)
"'Folk music is Balkan music.' Kotel musicians’ positioning, between re-appropriation and resignification."
On Wednesday, 17 April at 5:00 PM CET, we will discuss Camilla Salvatore's dissertation chapter "'Folk music is Balkan music.' Kotel musicians’ positioning, between re-appropriation and resignification." Carol Silverman...

James et al.: „Who Counts in Official Statistics? Ethical-Epistemic Issues in German Migration and the Collection of Racial or Ethnic Data“
Daniel James, Morgan Thompson and Tereza Hendl
On Wednesday, 1 November at 5:00 PM CET, we will be discussing Daniel James, Morgan Thompson and Tereza Hendl´s draft "Who Counts in Official Statistics? Ethical-Epistemic Issues in German Migration and the Collection of...

Siv B. Lie: “Django Under the Nazis: Subversive Stories, Uncertain Resistance, and Romani Essentialism in Popular Media.”
On Wednesday, 14 June at 5:00 PM CET, we will be discussing Siv B. Lie 's draft article “Django Under the Nazis: Subversive Stories, Uncertain Resistance, and Romani Essentialism in Popular Media.” Dr. Adriana Helbig has...

Dalen Wakeley-Smith: Fear the Fortune Teller: American Romani Women and the New York City Police Department (NYPD)
On Wednesday 24 May at 5:00 PM CET, we will be discusing Dalen Wakeley-Smith´s draft thesis chapter entitled Fear the Fortune Teller: American Romani Women and the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Ann Ostendorf...

The Politicization of Xenophobia in Transatlantic Contexts: Past and Present
18-19 May, 2023, Villa Lanna Prague
Organizers: Jonathan Wiesen (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Angéla Kóczé (Romani Studies Program at the Central European University in Vienna) Kateřina Čapková (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy...

PROGRAM: The Politicization of Xenophobia in Transatlantic Contexts: Past and Present
International Conference 18-19, May 2023, Prague
Organizers: Jonathan Wiesen (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Angéla Kóczé (Romani Studies Program at the Central European University in Vienna) Kateřina Čapková (Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy...

Helena Sadílková: “Strategies Of Participation And Negotiation: Socially Engaged Roma In Post-War Czechoslovakia 1948-1969”
On Wednesday 5 April at 6:00 PM CET, we will be discusing Helena Sadílková’s draft article entitled “Strategies of participation and negotiation: Socially engaged Roma in post-war Czechoslovakia 1948-1969” Eszter...

Kateřina Čapková: „You Ask why I was in a Labor Camp“: Czechoslovak Jews and Roma Demand Recognition of Their Wartime Suffering
23 March 2023, Wien Museum
Wien Museum MUSA 1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6–8 from 6:30pm Simon Wiesenthal Lecture Although World War II affected the lives of all inhabitants of the Bohemian lands (today‘s Czech Republic) and Slovakia,...

Vita Zalar: Antinomies of Romaniness in the Habsburg Empire, 1860-1918
Romani History Seminar
On Wednesday 22 March at 6:30 PM CET, we will be discusing Vita Zalar's draft thesis chapter entitled "Antinomies of Romaniness in the Habsburg Empire, 1860-1918"". Jennifer Illuzzi has kindly accepted to be our main discussant.

Leonard Stöcklein: „If we don’t get a seat at the table, then we’ll just create our own“. Memorial work of the Sinti_ze and Rom_nja in the shadow of trauma, transgenerationality and memory using the example of Neumünster
WEDNESDAY 16 November at 6pm (CET) Author: Leonard Stöcklein Discussant: Joey Rauschenberger Abstract Against the background of a second persecution, to which Sinti_ze and Rom_nja were exposed after 1945,...

Romani History – Methods, Sources, Ethics
8–9 June 2022, Villa Lanna, Prague
Organizers: Ari Joskowicz, Kateřina Čapková, Martin Fotta, Helena Sadílková Application deadline: April 15, 2022 On the sixth anniversary of the founding of the Prague Forum for Romani Histories, this workshop...

‘The minor would hinder the mother in finding employment’: Child protection regulating women’s labor force participation
Tuesday, 26 April at 3:00 pm (CET). We will discuss Eszter Varsa’s chapter “‘The minor would hinder the mother in finding employment’: Child protection regulating women’s labor force participation” from her...

The Romani Family before and during the Holocaust: How Much Do We Know?
The next meeting of the Romani History Seminar will take place on Wednesday, 6 April 2022 at 5:00 pm (CET). We will discuss a published article by Volha Bartash (University of Regensburg) « The Romani Family before...

“Towards the state of exception: Roma in Polish police journals in 1920–1939”
Romani History Seminar Wednesday, 19 January 2022, 5:30 PM (CET) Author: Piotr Wawrzeniuk (Swedish Defence University): Discussant: Jennifer Illuzzi (Providence College, USA) The article analyses Polish police...

Inside the Churches: The Gitanos and the Right of Asylum in the Seventeenth-Century Habsburg Spain
Romani History Workshop 15 December 2021 at 5 PM (CET) Author: Maria Gloria Tumminelli, University of Pavia, mariagloria.tumminelli@hotmail.it Discussant: Massimo Aresu, University of Leeds, m.aresu@leeds.ac.uk...

„Persecution of the Tulcean Roma, 1927–1947: An Ethnography of Violence“
Romani History Workshop 25 November 2021 at 6 PM (CET) Grégoire Cousin (University of Verona, Italy) with the draft article "Persecution of the Tulcean Roma, 1927–1947: An Ethnography of Violence" Discussant: Petre...

‘We weren’t nomadic gypsies but old settlers!’ Belonging and mobility of the Roma in eastern Slovakia
Romani History Workshop 30 June 2021 at 5 PM Author: Jan Ort (Faculty of Arts, Charles University): Discussant: Pavel Baloun (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University) Taking a microhistorical approach, the article...

Workshop: Romani Studies in the Age of Covid-19 – Ethics, Methods, Engagement and the Future
22 June 2021
The Institute of Ethnology of Czech Academy of Sciences organizes in co-operation with the Prague Forum for Romani Histories at the Institute of Contemporary History a workshop about Romani Studies in the Age of Covid-19.

Reckoning with the Romani and Jewish Holocaust in Europe, 1979 to today
Author: Ari Joskowicz (Vanderbilt University) Discussant: Ljiljana Radonić (Austrian Academy of Sciences) In the first session of the Romani History Seminar, the participants will read and discuss a pre-circulated paper...

Projection of documentary film LETY and discussion
13 May 2021
On-line projection of the documentary film. The discussion will be after the projection and will be in Czech. Hosted by Anna Štičková, guests Renata Berkyová and Viola Tokárová.

Prague Forum for Romani Histories on the debate around reading the names of Romani victims
3 April 2021
Both the genocide of the Roma and Romani history in general continue to be marginalized topics in school curricula and textbooks, as well as in academia, art and the public space. This was one of the reasons why the Prague...

Discussion: Šukares romanes – Contemporary Romani literature in Czech Republic
15 April 2021, 19pm
Discussion about contemporary Romani literature in Czech Republic. The discussion will be focused on publishing, writing and promoting this literature. Speakers: publisher and editor Karolína Ryvolová and author Stanislava...

Conversation with Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov about their new sourcebook – Roma Voices in History
19 April 2021, 10am CST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET
Conversation with Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov of St. Andrews University about their new sourcebook – Roma Voices in History. Hosted by Ari Joskowicz (Vanderbilt University) & Helena Sadílková (Charles...

2020 ASEEES Virtual Convention: Book Discussion – Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath
6 November 2020
Book discussion of Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath, edited by Kateřina Čapková a Eliyana Adler. Chair: Ari Joskowicz, Vanderbilt U Participants: Eliyana R. Adler, Pennsylvania State...

Film and Discussion: New Documentary Film LETY
27 January 2020
On Monday, 27 January at 18:00 the documentary film "LETY" will be screened at BIO OKO in Prague, followed by a discussion among invited guests on the broader context of the Holocaust of the Roma in Bohemia. 27 January was...

The Lecture about New knowledge about the Roma genocide
19 November 2019
The Lecture about archaeological research in Lety u Písku. You can find more information in Czech here.

Trajectories of Romani Migrations and Mobilities in Europe and Beyond (1945 – present)
16-18 September 2019, Prague
The conference will bring together scholars from across a variety of disciplines to present empirically grounded accounts of the multiple dimensions of Romani mobilities since 1945 in order to analyse connections between...

Family History Workshop: Tracing the Fate of Individuals in the USHMM Archives
9 September, 2019
Consultation workshop for familes of Romani and Sinti survivors in the Czech Republic. Organized in cooperation with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington Researchers from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s...

Workshop: Stereotypical Representations of Roma and Jews in Photographs
15th October 2018
For an invitation in pdf, please download here. For a poster in pdf, please download here. The workshop will take place at the French Institute, Štěpánská 35, Prague 1 Program of the workshop 16:30-18:00 HISTORICAL...

Forced Sterilization of Romani Women in the Czech(oslovak) and European Contexts: Past and Present
12 June 2018, New York University in Prague
An international workshop for registered participants organized at NYU in Prague. The workshop will focus on analysing the reasoning behind the forced sterilization of Roma in the Czech(oslovak) Republic in the context of...

Lecture: Jan Grill – Normalizing Uncertainty. Tracing Brexit-Effects in the Lives Slovak and Czech Roma Migrants in Britain (and Beyond)
13 June 2018, 5 PM
This is a joint event with CEFRES in Prague. Jan Grill is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Valle, Colombia. He is also Research Associate at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University...

Public discussion: Forced Sterilization of Romani Women in the Czech(oslovak) Contexts: Past and Present
12 June 2018, 6 PM
A public discussion with participants in the academic workshop focused on analysing the reasoning behind the forced sterilization of Roma in the Czech(oslovak) Republic in the context of eugenics and the welfare state. Invited...

Exhibition by Zdeněk Daniel: My Black-and-White Shadows – Memento Mori
May 9-29 2018
“My Black-and-White Shadows: Memento Mori” is an exhibition of paintings by Zdeněk Daniel (born 1970), an architect and artist from Jablonec nad Nisou. His father, Zdeněk Daniel, Senior (born 1929), was saved from the...

Workshop: Holocaust of the Roma: Contemporary Research in Czechoslovak Context
21 May, 2018, 6:00 PM
This public discussion about future research into the Holocaust of Roma and the Lety site will feature Czech and Slovak speakers, Romani as well as non-Romani. The reflection of the topics central to this research and the...

Exhibition: “…don’t forget the photos, it’s very important…” The National Socialist Persecution of Central German Sinti and Roma
23 September to 3 November 2017 - PROLONGED! until 12 November 2017
Authors: Eve Rosenhaft, University of Liverpool Jana Müller, Alternatives Jugendzentrum Dessau The exhibition presents case studies of the persecution of German Sinti and Roma (‘Gypsy’) families under National Socialism...

Tracing the Legacies of the Roma Genocide. Families as Transmitters of Experience and Memory
20-21 September 2017, Prague
The conference is a joint event bringing together two recent academic initiatives focusing on the research on the history of the Roma and supporting new approaches in the field: the Prague Forum for Romani Histories and the...

Discussion with Members of Czech and German Roma and Sinti Genocide Survivor’s Families
20 September 2017
Plus, an exhibition opening: "…don’t forget the photos, it’s very important…" The Nazi Persecution of Central German Sinti and Roma Expanding the programme of the conference beyond academia, the evening...