Prague Forum for Romani Histories

Recenze knihy: Práva Romů. Boje za občanství v poválečném Československu

Kateřina Čapková

Ukázka z anglicky psané recenze Kateřiny Čapkové:

„Donert’s book is superb in the way it shows continuities in attempts to improve the situation of the Roma, on the one hand, and to discipline them, on the other hand, in different political settings before and after the war, both during and after the Communist regime, in Czechoslovakia as well as in the broader European context. It shows clearly that the politics and policies surrounding the Roma are not a marginal topic, but one that points to crucial limits of the concept of citizenship in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.“

Recenze knihy: Práva Romů. Boje za občanství v poválečném Československu

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